Our Eldership
The Green Oaks congregation is shepherded by three elders (also called pastors; Ephesians 4.11). According to 1 Peter 5:2-3, elders are called to care for God’s people and lead the local congregation. A biblical elder is happy to serve and is a good example of Christ to the ones they lead. You can read more about God's qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3.1-7 and Titus 1.5-9.
John Rios
John has been a Christian since 1981. He loves to keep busy and feels so blessed to serve as an elder. His favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29.11.
Carl Martin
Carl has been a member of the congregation since 1992. He enjoys woodworking, fixing things, and spending time with his family. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4.13.
Leo Short
Leo has been a part of the congregation for over 40 years. Outside of his faith, his passion is antique cars and barbershop singing. His favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 2.14.
Our Evangelists
The Green Oaks congregation is also home to two evangelists (2 Timothy 4.5). These men carry out the Great Commission by preaching the gospel and baptizing people into Christ (Matthew 28.18-20). As well, they build up the local congregation by leading Bible studies with members and visiting the sick. If you have a Bible question, they are "ready to give an answer" (1 Peter 3.15)!